Ep 26 Pontypool

Editor Sober Allen here! I got pretty trashed during this one so there's a point where Abysmii is trying to work out the message of this film and really gets into it and I just say 'Yeah.' Also if you came here looking for a timestamp I am sorry. Just don't watch the post-credits scene. I promise.

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Ep 26 Frogman

Editor Sober Allen here. We didn't record our reaction during the movie this time. We'll go back to doing that after this one. Also we don't start talking about the movie for like 20 minutes. It's a bit about how long this movie takes to get going.

Also I see the director of this film commenting on other channels reviews of it. Oh damn. Uh, hey man. We liked it. Just felt like it took a while to get going but when it got going we were fully on board. Keep up the good work with your cute frog friend.

Anyway, here's a link to the frog flute picture we couldn't stop laughing about: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt21377766/mediaviewer/rm1698717697/

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EP 25 Blue Sunshine

New Editor Allen here! Sorry about the break. We missed you. We love you. We know you gotta have the funky funk. Take a few Altoids, pour yourself a drink, and join us for Blue Sunshine: a movie based on true events...kinda.

Not really.

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Ep 24 Where Evil Lurks

Part of the recording for the viewing got corrupted again, but I was able to save the most important part. I’ve been putting off editing this episode; not because the movie was bad or the experience was bad, quite the opposite. It’s just a very, very bleak movie. Next time something a bit more light. - Abysmii

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Ep 23 Beyond the Black Rainbow

These episodes take forever to edit. But it was worth it for the unadulterated dead-horse beating we did to one particular joke.

Kaela guest stars on our viewing of a movie we knew we'd love but wanted to watch anyway because it's a fun trippy nightmare. Go watch this movie, seriously.

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Ep 22 Blood Machines

Hi everyone, editor Abysmii here. No commentary track because it got corrupted, thanks Craig. You AI dickhole.

Anyway, this movie was really fun and don't let how confused we were when trying to explain the plot throw you off. Go watch it, it's short and a really fun ride. I would very much try this drink we made up too. I don't know why I like these weird French movies so much. I don't even like French as a language. I do know that I spent a week draining my crawlspace because of the record atmospheric rivers we had in California. FUN TIMES.

I've trying out more non-alcoholic craft beer lately to ward off cerosis a bit longer so we can keep bringing you these episodes. A lot of the, are really good! It's still fun to have actual alcohol when you are out and about of course.

Okay, personal anecdotes over. We have cool stuff going up on the Patreon, so please consider supporting us there, even if just for a dollar. https://www.patreon.com/creativehorror/posts

EP 21 Kazaam

It's finally here. The episode you didn't know about but did know it was a month late because Abysmii had too much BS to work on. This episode is a strange yin and yang. On the one hand, it was one of the best recording experiences we've ever had. On the other hand, it was an insurmountable mountain of editing. I actually had to start over at one point because the file got corrupted. SO MUCH FUN. This episode is over feature length, probably the longest we've ever done. If it sounds like there are a lot of cuts to the viewing, it's because there are! And that's not even a third of what I originally selected, but only so many can make it in. This movie is a 90s fever dream and I went a little insane putting this together, but I wouldn't have it any other way. Here's hoping the next one is easier on me oh wait I just remembered what the next one is god damnit.

EP20 Twisted Metal

Editor Abysmii here. No, we don't have a movie, we have a series to talk about! Twisted Metal is a cool video game series no one but millennials remember. Now it's a TV show! Guns, cars, guns on cars, cars that are guns! But no seriously, it is a cool show and you should watch it. Also, keen listeners will be hearing double for a brief moment. Leave a comment with a time stamp so we farm that sick engagement, fam. I'm not drunk, I'm just tired. DbD has Chucky now. He actually looks really fun and I wish I still played but then I sit down and turn on Let's Plays instead. Oh well. Oh right, MAJOR PATREON CHANGES. Check out the Discord for details. BYE.