Just Plain Weird

183 - Short and Shivery 45

David, Allen and Abysmii invite special guest Brad to an initiation: a fresh pair of eyes on the some of shortstory1’s most recent work. Will a new perspective bring new insights into these unusual stories?

Read along with us:
1. “I clean up crime scenes while naked
2. “The special toilet paper
3. “My intelligence and emotional intelligence will now be off balanced
4. “All men must wear a burqa
5. “To move to the next day we must all do something disgusting

183 - Short and Shivery 45
David King/Allen Chaney/Abysmii/Brad Torres

182 - "Horror Insured" (Part 2) by Paul Ernst

Just when David, Allen and Abysmii were getting comfortable with this series, Paul throws a curve ball of seeming incompetence when the story forgets a certain character died in a prior chapter; meanwhile Ascott and Beatrice play dress-up to survive, and the main showdown turns into a anti-climactic Pokemon battle.

Story by Paul Ernst, first published in Weird Tales, January 1936.

182 - "Horror Insured" (Part 2) by Paul Ernst
David King/Allen Chaney/Abysmii

181 - "Horror Insured" (Part 1) by Paul Ernst

With a new year of mounting dread upon most everyone’s heads, David, Allen and Abysmii decide to ease into it with the ever-comforting Luciferian antics of Doctor Satan. This time, he’s getting into the insurance business is a fittingly weird way, and is once again using fire as the catalyst for his plot. How many fat businessmen will Ascott Keane sacrifice in the pursuit of his greatest foe? How many people will be added to the Faint Counter? And how in the world is Doctor Satan still unknown to the elite class that he’s targeting?

Story by Paul Ernst, first published in Weird Tales, January 1936.

181 - "Horror Insured" (Part 1) by Paul Ernst
David King/Allen Chaney/Abysmii

178 - Short and Shivery 44

The line between Rorshack Rorsharn and Julia Grane blurs further as David lets Abysmii pick the two stories they will read, one from each pseudonym. And, like in the past, their horizons are broadened as they read way too much into the jank narratives, bringing the episode to a surprisingly poignant conclusion.

“the skibidi man” was submitted by Rorshack Rorshan; “lift your problems” was submitted by Julia Grane.

178 - Short and Shivery 44
David King/Abysmii

174 - "Hollywood Horror" (Part 2) by Paul Ernst

Atomic scrambling has left Abysmii a living skeleton, so David, Kaela and Allen will have to finish their analysis of Doctor Satan’s current cruel scheme. With Ascott Keane closing in, will the diabolical villain be able to follow through with his plan? Or will the power of his mysterious ray see both of them cut down to size (pun intended)?

Story by Paul Ernst, first published in Weird Tales, October 1935.

174 - "Hollywood Horror" (Part 2) by Paul Ernst
David King/Kaela King/Allen Chaney

173 - Short and Shivery 43

Have David and Allen been hoodwinked? Is this a sign of a narrative trend? A mysterious writer submits five very short stories that bear the uncanny hallmarks of shortstory1 and Rorshack Rorshan, and leaves them scratching their heads as they try to figure out what is going on.

All stories submitted by Julia Grane.

173 - Short and Shivery 43
David King/Allen Chaney

172 - "Hollywood Horror" (Part 1) by Paul Ernst

Doctor Satan brings his weird crimes to Tinseltown, much to David, Allen and Abysmii's mirth. Can it be that, despite the horror it evokes, this latest scheme to pry cash from wealthy studio moguls doesn't involve direct murder? And how much good has the birdlike Ascott Keane actually done when he has consistently failed to stop his nemesis? No bones about it, this might be the goofiest entry in the series so far!

Story by Paul Ernst, first published in Weird Tales, October 1935.

172 - "Hollywood Horror (Part 1) by Paul Ernst
David King/Allen Chaney/Abysmii

170 - "The Man Who Chained the Lightning" (Part 2) by Paul Ernst

David and Matt are in for a shock as they join Kaela, Allen and Abysmii for the explosive finale of the second Doctor Satan tale. As Ascott Keane learns the truth of his adversary’s latest scheme, prepare to be jolted by the reveal of Bostiff’s backstory, a staggering amount of innuendo, and the electric clock’s purpose becoming the dumbest plot point Paul Ernst has conceived so far.

Story by Paul Ernst, first published in Weird Tales, September 1935.

Be sure to check out our New Pulp Revival Writing Challenge here!

170 - "The Man Who Chained the Lightning (Part 2) by Paul Ernst
David King/Kaela King/Allen Chaney/Abysmii/Matt Holley

168 - "The Man Who Chained the Lightning" (Part 1) by Paul Ernst

The actual second story in the Doctor Satan series is unveiled as Kaela, Allen and Abysmii clue in to the newest scheme of the world’s weirdest criminal. Ascott Keane disguises himself as a tree to film people, a man’s last words have something to do with shaving, and an electric clock (or lack thereof) is somehow a giveaway for Doctor Satan’s dastardly plot. Will Keane ever get over himself enough to have another round with his equally-extra rival?

Story by Paul Ernst, first published in Weird Tales, September 1935.

168 - "The Man Who Chained the Lightning" (Part 1) by Paul Ernst
Kaela King/Allen Chaney/Abysmii

166 - "You Do Not Have Permission to Read This Story" by Rorshack Rorshan

David and Kaela touch base with Kylie Keen of Animal Fact Files and spring a Rorshack Rorshan trap on their unsuspecting guest! But surprises await, even for those well-versed in the unique and head-scratching style of these stories, and by reading this one the hosts might have just doomed the planet Earth!

Be sure to check out our New Pulp Revival Writing Challenge here!

166 - "You Do Not Have Permission to Read This Story" by Rorshack Rorshan
David King/Kaela King/Kylie Keen

163 - "The Consuming Flame" (Part 2) by Paul Ernst

The rip-roaring conclusion to this recent adventure sees Doctor Satan delving into the art of necromancy on top of his static electricity research, Ascott Keane stoically neglect to name his scientist friend, and David, Allen and Abysmii keep at the nonsense jokes that basically write themselves.

Story by Paul Ernst, first published in Weird Tales, November 1935.

163 - "The Consuming Flame" (Part 2) by Paul Ernst
David King/Allen Chaney/Abysmii

162 - "The Consuming Flame" (Part 1) by Paul Ernst

Though we accidentally begin the fourth Doctor Satan story instead of the second, it does little to throw David, Allen and Abysmii off of the tropes that have already been established. The (good) doctor seems to be targeting fancy car manufacturers, but what does this next diabolical scheme entail? Is Doctor Satan actually the real inventor of the flux capacitor? And will Ascott Keane drag his long self out to confront his nemesis once again?

Story by Paul Ernst, first published in Weird Tales, November 1935.

162 - "The Consuming Flame" (Part 1) by Paul Ernst
David King/Allen Chaney/Abysmii

160 - "Doctor Satan" (Part 2) by Paul Ernst

The thrilling conclusion of the first Doctor Satan story finds our erstwhile hero, Ascott Keane, meeting his arch-nemesis face-to-mask. David, Kaela, Allen and Abysmii are joined by Mastt Holley this time as they explore such uncanny powers as magical trash cans, blind noclipping through the city, and T-posing to call on the power of God and anime.

Story by Paul Ernst, first published in Weird Tales, August 1935.

160 - "Doctor Satan" (Part 2) by Paul Ernst
David King/Kaela King/Allen Chaney/Abysmii/Matt Holley

159 - "Doctor Satan" (Part 1) by Paul Ernst

A pulp-infused saga unfolds as Abysmii shares a public domain discovery with David, Kaela and Allen. Straight form the pages of Weird Tales, the gang are introduced to the baffling crimes of the eponymous Devil-themed ne’er-do-well, and meet his arch-nemesis, the logical longboy Ascott Keane. Who will win? Who will lose? How many women will faint over the course of these stories? UCA is on the case!

Story by Paul Ernst, first published in Weird Tales, August 1935.

159 - "Doctor Satan" (Part 1) by Paul Ernst
David King/Kaela King/Allen Chaney/Abysmii

156 - "When Ray Is In a Bad Mood" by Rorshack Rorshan

Can we not go even three episodes before returning to the existential exercise that is reading a Rorshack Rorshan story? Apparently not, because David, Kaela, Abysmii and Papreeka are all together in person to read one featuring the dreaded Reality Man.

Story submitted by Rorshack Rorshan.

156 - "When Rays Is In a Bad Mood" by Rorashack Rorshan
David King/Kaela King/Abysmii/Papreeka

152 - "Even Darkness Needs Hugs" by Rorshack Rorshan

David, Allen and Abysmii will never in their lives be prepared for the twists and turns of these oddball stories. Also in this episode: anecdotes about Japan, Einstein jumpscares and a real reminder of the show’s credo.

Story submitted by Rorshack Rorshan.

152 - "Even Darkness Needs Hugs" by Rorshack Rorshan
David King/Allen Chaney/Abysmii

137 - Shortstory1 Challenge Stories by Troy Wullbrandt

2023 kicks off with something not quite Short and Shivery. David shares one last bit of SS1 emulation with Allen, and bonds will be tested.

Stories submitted by Troy Wullbrandt:
”We Won’t Leave Orbit Until My Son Learns His Lesson”
"Whole Foods Is Milking Something It Shouldn’t”
”My Daughter Loves The Snow Too Much”
”The Voices In My Walls Say Fight On”

137 - Shortstory1 Challenge Stories by Troy Wullbrandt
David King/Allen Chaney