87 - SCP Roundup: Confinement Edition Part 4

The global pandemic has done little to curb the nightmares that already exist in the SCP Foundation, and while everyone is under lockdown the place is free game for David, Kaela and Allen as they continue reading up on the SCPs that inspired Confinement.

All entries read can be found on the SCP Foundation website: http://www.scp-wiki.net/
SCP-2200 - “Soulberg” was archived by PeppersGhost.

84 - "The Abandoned Island Near My Hometown" by Atticus Garrison

Location-based chills await as David, Kaela, Allen and Seid read this NoSleep submission about a fateful discovery on a deserted river island, which also seems to be near a lot of other abandoned things.

Story submitted by Atticus Garrision. Read along here.

It’s not to late to jump in on our Creepy Cooking Staff Writing Challenge!

83 - "The Game" by PostMortemCreamPie

Losses aside, David and Kaela set up to play this unusual game with Matt Holley, and Eli and Kylie from Cinema Nippon/Animal Fact Files. Then they decide against it once they find out what the rules are, that the prize is definitely not worth it, and that it might be more worthwhile to do an ASMR episode of this podcast someday instead.

Story submitted by PostMortemCreamPie. Read along here.

Details about the Boolympics Writing Challenge are right here.

81 - Short and Shivery 32

Isolated in a cabin in the woods (shooting the upcoming final season of The Shovelwarewolf), David and Kaela have Random Encounters on hand once again, this time for two submitted short stories that have nothing to do with video games for a change. Also, AJ poses a question to our listeners…

“Clean” was submitted by Oxygen-Thief; “Well Dressed Theater” was submitted by Mightybob3000.

75 - Short and Shivery 31

An old segment with a new twist, David brings around special guest and new voice Vevina Swanson to compare and contrast a pair of differing NoSleep stories by the same author, drawing attention to the inherent weirdness that is the site’s conceit: treat every story like its real.

Both stories written by Atticus Garrison. “My Brother Used to Race Sprint Cars” can be read here; “I Don’t Watch YouTube Videos Anymore” can be read here.

70 - "The Twins" (Part 2)

Pras has sent us the second part of his swampy saga, and David, Kaela, Abysmii and Papreeka creep back into the bog to see if one desperate woman’s plan to save her dying husband will prevail, even in the face of mounting terror… and some of our terrible jokes and tangents.

If you’d like to help support Prasokour’s educational fossil exhibition, PayPal donations can be made here.