Strange Fiction

107 - "The Lair of the White Worm" (Part 1) by Bram Stoker

A new spooky saga begins! Kaela has enlisted the Creative Horror crew to read an infamously maligned horror novel by none other than the writer of Dracula, just to prove that even the most well-known authors can produce duds. The gang is about to find out why, and start plotting how they might drink their way through it in a creative way.

Read along with us here!

105 - "Weep My Lovely" by neosaiyanangel

We’re not strangers to fan fiction on this show, and luckily four of the five hosts - Kaela, Allen, Seid and Raevell - have some decent context to work with, while David is very much in the dark. Will this horror take on Madoka Magica leave the desired impression regardless of knowledge of the source material? And will Allen get the $5000 necessary to reveal his own Bionicle fiction at last?

Story submitted by neosaiyanangel.