Bonus - Choice Dregs Sampler

Since the Creative Horror Crew were on vacation recently, they’ve arranged a platter of bite-sized items from the menu of Choice Dregs, lost chunks of UCA recordings usually given only to Patreon supporters. However, something totally new and unexpected awaits at the end…

If you want to hear all episodes of Choice Dregs, plus a good amount of other extra content related to Midnight Marinara and UCA, please consider becoming a Patron at any level.

105 - "Weep My Lovely" by neosaiyanangel

We’re not strangers to fan fiction on this show, and luckily four of the five hosts - Kaela, Allen, Seid and Raevell - have some decent context to work with, while David is very much in the dark. Will this horror take on Madoka Magica leave the desired impression regardless of knowledge of the source material? And will Allen get the $5000 necessary to reveal his own Bionicle fiction at last?

Story submitted by neosaiyanangel.

103 - Short and Shivery 34

The noble tradition of getting Random Encounters to read stories with us continues! Having just wrapped shooting of Your Happy Ending the night before, we awake at the crack of 2pm to read a collection of five very short stories with varying themes of quirky horror and a bit of NoSleep energy.

Stories submitted by shortstory1 Read along below:
1. “Hello I would like to order a pizza
2. “I regret turning an Instagram tiktok influencer into a vampire
3. “I am going to allow my son to be weird for 12 hours instead of just 1 hour
4. “Donate to my charity guys
5. “My mother is still scared of the dark

0 - Jeff the Killer (UCA Pilot)

Originally a Patreon exclusive, this special episode contains the prototype that eventually led to Undercooked Analysis. Recorded way back in March of 2014, this impromptu session has David and friends Ben Spiegel, Sean Holt, Ty Lucas and Kyle Duncan reading through "Jeff the Killer," and stumbling over what UCA originally tried to do: understand what it is that made this story and its namesake character so popular in the wider Creepypasta mythos.

If you’re interested in what other weird gems we have hidden in the vault these past 7 years, consider joining our Patreon.

100 - "Jeff the Killer" (Google Translate Edition)

It's the 100th episode since UCA moved to Creative Horror, and the gang's all here to take another look at everyone's favorite ominous unknown killer - this time with the story run through Google Translate a few times. Will it be a marked improvement?

Originally recorded with VISUALS! If you want see what happened during this episode, check it out on YouTube.

93 - "Something Went Wrong With My Baby" by Cainmak

This could easily be a very dark story based on the subject matter, and yet David, Kaela, Allen and Papreeka seem to be rolling in a fair bit of levity to keep them going. Will they be able to push through, or will they keep making reference to next week’s Choice Dregs (available only on Patreon!)?

Content Warning: story depicts violence against an infant,

Story submitted by Cainmak.

91 - Creepy Cooking Staff Challenge Winners

We finally serve you the winners of our Creepy Cooking Staff Writing Challenge! Allen, David and Kaela have tasted nine dishes based on previously-concocted prompts from the CCS recipe book, but only three can appease the staff!

3rd place - “I Named Him Eddy” by Kylie Keen
2nd place - “Bumble Buddies” by Eli Edgerton-Jones
1st place - “The Road Trip” by Beth Morton